We have a wealth of resources designed to make sure you're on track academically and leading a fulfilling and happy life as a student. Join us during in-person or virtual Office Hours, upcoming events and explore our undergraduate resources.
Undergraduate Student Government
2055 E. Evans Ave.
Denver, CO 80208
Email: usg@5dexam.com
In-person Office Hours are hosted within the brand new Community Commons. It is on the third floor within the Undergraduate / Student Org Lounge. Room 3602.
Check back here often for upcoming events.
Visit our online portal for registration, grades, course links, personal information, transcripts, paystubs, administrative processes, and more.
Student Affairs & Inclusive Excellence (SAIE)
Explore student life and discover the support and skills needed to become empowered citizens who positively impact the communities they are a part of, now and in the future.
Visit Housing & Residential Education for new student, building, room selection and initiative information and resources.
DU Athletics
Join us as we #PioneerTogether on the field and in the classroom. Our community provides the fuel for their fire by generating an electric atmosphere in the stands.
Lamont School of Music
With a world-class faculty and concert venues, the Lamont School of Music is widely recognized as a premier music performance school.
Upcoming Undergrad Student Events
Check out our upcoming events for undergraduate students.
Graduate Student Government
View our comprehensive undergraduate student resources