
DU Emergency Number: 303-871-3000
- Answered 24 hours a day by trained Department representatives, our Emergency Number is available for any emergency or crisis in your life.
- You might call the DU Emergency number when:
- You’re having a medical emergency. (If it is a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 first.)
- You’re in fear for your safety. (If you’re in a life-threatening situation, dial 911 first.)
- You've been a victim of a crime.
- You're experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis.
- You're concerned about the well-being of a friend or colleague at the University.

Reporting Crimes (cross-list)
- You can report a crime or Honor Code violation to our Department at any time by calling 303-871-2334. An officer will be sent to your location to take your report.
- If you would like to provide a confidential report on information about a crime or suspected crime, you may call the anonymous tip line at 303-871-3130. Please leave as much information as possible so that we may investigate the incident.
- To anonymously report a sexual assault, please contact either The Health and Counseling Center or the Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment. To formally report a sexual assault, contact Campus Safety.
Disposition Meanings
- Assigned for Investigation/Status Pending - The case is open/active and has been determined to require additional investigation. Solvability factor(s) have been identified. Investigations may be completed by the Division of Campus Safety, the Denver Police Department or collaboratively by both agencies.
- Cleared by Arrest/Citation - The case was reviewed and cleared as the result of suspect(s) being identified and arrested or issued a citation by the Denver Police Department. Reports with this disposition naming student suspect(s) will be referred to the University of Denver, Office of Citizenship and Community Standards for review and disposition as well.
- Cleared by Referral - The case was reviewed and considered effectively cleared by the act of referring it to a University of Denver department or administrator for further/final action or disposition.
- Cleared by Referral/Not DU - The case was reviewed and considered effectively cleared by the act of referring it to a non-University entity or authority other than the Denver Police Department for further/final action or disposition.
- Exceptionally Cleared - The case was reviewed and/or investigated and deemed cleared due to exceptional circumstances and/or at the discretion of the investigator or other Division of Campus Safety administrator.
- Inactive/Not Cleared - The case was assigned for investigation then closed/inactivated by the investigator at the conclusion of their investigation. Cases may be reactivated at any time in the event new information becomes available.
- No Further Action Required - This case requires no further action either because it did not involve the commission of a crime.
- Unfounded Reports - During the investigation of this case, law enforcement deemed it as unfounded due to information they received or discovered.
Report suspicious activity and crimes
Department |
Functions |
Telephone |
Denver Police Department | Emergency | 911 |
Denver Police Department | Non-Emergency | (720) 913-2000 |
Campus Safety | Emergency | (303) 871-3000 |
Campus Safety (Non-Emergency) | Call to report a crime, request a walking escort or schedule a crime prevention presentation | (303) 871-2334 (1-2334) |
Campus Safety Anonymous Tip Line | Anonymously report tips regarding crime on campus | (303) 871-3130 (1-3130) |
Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment (CAPE) | Provides confidential daytime advocacy and support for victims of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment | (303) 871-3853 (1-3853) |
Health & Counseling Center’s Afterhours Counselor on Call | Confidential, after-hours crisis services for urgent mental health and gender violence concerns | (303) 871-2205 (1-2205) |
University Resources
Campus Safety (Emergency) |
911 then (303) 871-3000 (711 Relay) |
Campus Safety (Non-Emergency) |
(303) 871-2334 (711 Relay) |
Campus Safety Anonymous Tip Line |
(303) 871-3130 (1-3130) |
Campus Safety Toll Free |
1-844-268-6594 |
C-Cure Access Control System -Access Coordinators |
(303) 871-2334 (1-2334) |
Student Rights & Responsibilities |
303-871-5724 (1-5724) |
Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment (C.A.P.E.) |
(303) 871-3853 (1-3853) |
Health & Counseling Center |
(303) 871-2205 (1-2205) |
Housing & Residential Education (HRE) |
(303) 871-2246 (1-2246) |
Risk Management |
(303) 871-2327 (1-2327) |
C.A.P.E. Hotline (24/7) |
(303) 871-3456 (1-3456) |
Sexual Respect & Title IV |
Local & State Resources
Colorado AIDS Project |
(303) 837-0166 |
Community Reach Center (Mental Health Support) |
(303) 853-3500 |
Denver Cares Detox |
(303) 436-7222 |
Denver Fire Department (Emergency) |
911 |
Denver Health Medical Center |
(303) 436-6000 |
Denver Police Department (Emergency) |
911 |
Denver Police Department (Non-Emergency) |
(720) 913-2000 |
Planned Parenthood Denver |
(303) 321-2458 |
Porter Hospital |
(303) 778-1955 |
Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center |
(800) 222-1222 |
SafeHouse Denver (Domestic Violence Shelter) |
(303) 318-9959 |
Swedish Hospital |
(303) 788-5000 |
University Hospital |
(303) 372-0000 |
National Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous |
(800) 711-6402 |
Drug Abuse Hotline |
(800) 662-4357 |
Department of Homeland Security |
(202) 282-8000 |
Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Preparedness |
(202) 282-8000 |
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network |
(800) 656-4673 |
U.S. State Department Travel Warnings |
(888) 407-4747 |
World Health Organization (WHO) |